What do digital asset market enthusiasts say about the current state of the industry and its prospects?
Some analysts are still confident that the digital asset market is still in a “crypto winter” state. Experts speak of moderately negative or neutral expectations for the next few months.
Crypto enthusiasts believe that the first crypto coin will be in a state of stagnation for “many weeks”. But ethereum will experience “relative calm” after the turbulence that is expected in mid-September.
Meanwhile, the general partner of the venture capital company Race Capital, Edith Yeng, believes that the current crypto winter is quite warm. She pointed out the need for patience when working in the market in the current conditions.
“We are so excited about the current direction because, in a sense, a warm winter will push out everyone who came here for short-term profit. This is a long-term game,” Yeng said.
Despite the recent market fluctuations, crypto enthusiasts remain optimistic. US Senator Ted Cruz is sure that the main crypto coin definitely contributes to the prosperity of society and has a positive effect on the environment.
“Cryptocurrency is a net plus for the environment. Being able to unlock a lot of renewables is really important for the environment. Taking stranded natural gas and putting it to productive use is a big positive, ”said the congressman.
And ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin continues to defend the opinion about the advantage of cryptocurrency transactions over conservative payment instruments. He stated that crypto payments help fight censorship and blocking.
“People continue to underestimate how often crypto payments are superior to traditional ones,” the developer said.
According to the PYMNTS study, among companies whose annual income does not exceed $1 billion, about 85% use crypto payments to attract new customers. In addition, more than 80% of respondents consider the absence of intermediaries a key prerequisite for working with digital assets when making payments. What do you think about it?